Serve at Warrenton UMC

Hospitality Ministry

There are many ways to serve on Sunday mornings at Warrenton UMC:

* Communion Servers: Help serve communion on Sunday mornings at the service of your choice.

* Greeter: Welcome members and guests to church services; answer questions, give directions for nursery care, restrooms, etc

* Scripture Reader: Read the scripture at the worship service of your choice

* Ushers: Extend greetings to people entering the Sanctuary, hand out bulletins, collect offering, and clean up pews after services. Also serve for special services.

* Offering Collectors: Assist Ushers in passing offering plates

* Sanctuary Steward: Keep pew racks straightened and stocked with prayer cards, offering envelopes, and pencils

For more information contact Lauren Parker HERE

Grounds Team

Building and Grounds: Share your gifts to beautify God’s holy house and provide clean and safe environment for our church family and visitors. Snow removal is absolutely needed during winter.

Contact the Church Office

Tech Team

The work of the tech team impacts the world in vital ways, and we always need folks who want to share the Gospel with the world by serving with our Sunday morning presentation and production teams.

Contact Ben Rollins

Hospitality Team

Do you like to send cards, chat on the phone, reach out and visit with others? While in church, will you serve God by extending a warm greeting to all who enter our doors, being an usher, reading scripture, or serving Holy communion?

Please contact Lauren Parker